brain parts
- thalamus - relay motor and sensory information
- emotion center - limbic system
- amygdala - part of limbic system, fear anger
- planning/problem solving - frontal lobes
- axon terminal button -
- cerebellum - near back, motor activity
- jian piaget - child development
- erik erikson - adolescents deal with identity
- freud
- ego, superego, id
- ego - mediator
- superego - conscience
- id - instincts
- psychodynamic theory
- alred adler v freud - alfred about one psychology
- stanley milgram
- delivering shock, obeying to authority
- bandura, aggression -
- carl rogers - unconditional approval
- john watson - conditioning babies
- francis galton -
- structuralist -
- functionalist -
- gestalt psychologist -
- myelin sheath -
- eyes have to quiver to prevent adaptation
- taste is least potent sense
- semicircular canals - detect head movements
- perceptual organization, similarity
- sleepwalking - stage 4 sleep
- symapethic nervous system - fight or flight
- just noticeable difference - threshold for being noticeable at least half the time
- sleep stages -
- delirium tremens - alcohol withdrawal, confusion
- stimulant, cocaine, heroin, barbs
- comparative psychologist - look for characteristics between species
- cognitive psychologist -
- environmental psychologist -
- industrial/organizational psychologist - in the workplace
- replication - increases study confidence
- psychoanalysis - people unaware of the forces behind their behavior
- cell activity
- electrical within the cell
- chemical between cells - neurotransmitters
- 31
- types of conditioning, pavlov, operant
- classical - pairing unconditioned stimulus (meat) with neutral stimulus (bell)
- operant -
- shaping technique
- learning
- instinctual drift - natural behavior interferes with learning
- emotions
- goal directed behavior
- cognitive awareness
- physiology
- changes in feeling
- types of memory, sensory, flashbulb, short-term
- goal directed behavior
- maslows need hierarchy - physiological needs, safety, love, esteem, self actualization
- hypnosis - some hypnosis has worked in medical procedures, divided state of consciousness?
- teratogen - foreign agent that mutates embryo
- secondary sex characteristics - not related to sex organs
- social learning theory
- approach avoidance conflict
- schizophreni - excess dopamine
- conman - antisocial behavior
- most common mental disorder, anxiety, psychotic,
- introduction of drug treatment effect on injuries from mental disorders
- cognitive dissonance - inconsistent thoughts
- expedient conformity -
- tendency to conform, jap vs us
- frustration and aggresion -
- sympathetic nervous system - alerting
- parasympathetic nervous system - calming
- primary taste sensations - sweet, sour, bitter, salt, umami
- prototype, schema -
- learned helplessness - traumatic event
- james lange theory -
- rooting response - reflex for babies to nurse
- formal operations - children can think abstractly about problem
- concrete operations - children need objects to think
- conventional level
- agoraphobia - fear of scary situations
- acrophobia - fear of heights
- broca's area - language expression
- weber's law - perception is exponential